How do I Use Slim in 6?
Purchase the DVDs and the Slim in 6 package from the Beach Body website. The package will include DVDs, a diet guideline and resistance bands. Sign up at the Beach Body forums so that you can ask questions and communicate with others regarding the Slim in 6 system.
Measure your waist, hips, thighs and arms with the tape measure that comes with the Slim in 6 program. Write down your measurements before you start working out. This will allow you to watch your body change as you participate in the program.
Read the instructions that come in the "Simple Steps to Success" guide and follow along with the instructions while you change your lifestyle with the Slim in 6 program.
Work out to the video that is designed to start your body-changing experience, the "Start It Up" workout program. This program is the starting point for your Slim in 6 experience. Exercise as many times as is recommended by the "Simple Steps To Success" guide. Once you have mastered the Start It Up workout, you can attempt the next workout.
Exercise harder by using the "Ramp It Up" workout program. This workout program takes what you have learned from the "Start It Up" program and brings your workout to the next level. The workout is designed to "blast" calories away and help you gain lean muscle.
Use the "Burn It Up" video to complete your workout regiment and continue to build lean muscle while getting rid of fat. Work out with the video and follow the trainer's instructions to get the best results.
Read the diet guidelines in the "Six Day Express" diet plan and follow the diet plan for your first six days on the program. Then continue to work on changing your diet habits by eating healthy and following the Slim in 6 guidelines.
Chart your progress on the "Motivational Calendar" and watch as your body changes. This should get done once a week so that you can see how your measurements on various areas of your body goes down.