How to Wrap Garbage Bags Around Your Body to Sweat Off Weight
Things You'll Need
- Duct tape
- Scissors
- 5 garbage bags
Cut a hole in the bottoms of all five garbage bags with the scissors. All the holes should be in the center of the bag opposite the end of the opening.The hole in the bottom of one bag should be big enough for you to fit your head through. There should be two bags that have holes big enough for your hands to fit through and two bags should have holes big enough for your feet.
Cut arm holes in the garbage bag that is to go over your head. Make sure the arm holes are big enough to fit your biceps through. The arm holes should be cut on each side of the bag, about 6 inches from the bottom.
Place the bag with the armholes over your head. Put your head and arms out through the correct holes. Duct tape the opening of the bag around your waist to ensure that no heat can escape.
Put the garbage bags on your arms and your legs. Make sure each bag is as tight as possible to the body. Place duct tape around each of your wrists and around the other end of the bag near your shoulder area. Place duct tape around the bag at your ankles and at your thigh area to lock in the heat.