Places to Buy Acai Berry Burn
Retail Stores
Acai Berry Burn is available at most health food and alternative medicine retailers. National retailers such as The Vitamin Shoppe, GNC and Vitamin World provide acai berry supplements in a variety of forms, brands and price ranges. It's best to ask the sales staff when selecting a product to ensure it provides the desired benefits.
Internet Sites
As with most diet supplements, Acai Berry Burn is also available over the Internet.,, and offer the supplement. These sites can help protect your identity and deliver your purchase in a timely manner.
Free Trials
Some websites claim to send a free trial of Acai Berry Burn, but be wary when you visit these sites. According to, "The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a food and nutrition watchdog group, recently issued a warning that many companies offering free trials of acai diet products actually end up charging customers. Customers are asked to supply credit card information for shipping of the 'free' sample, and some have immediately been hit with monthly charges of $80 to $90."