How to Lose Weight Fast But Avoid Saggy Skin
Eat a healthy diet. Crash dieting and severely restricted diets not only rob the body of calories, they rob the body of nutrients. These nutrients feed all the body's processes, including the skin. Dietary needs vary by individual, and the USDA's My Pyramid website offers guidelines for a healthy diet.
Stay hydrated. The skin needs water to remain elastic. Proper hydration also prevents water retention, which contributes to excess weight. Drink several glasses of water a day, the amount depends on the individual. Generally, the color of your urine, pale or clear, is a good indicator of proper hydration.
Lift weights. Muscles add shape to the body and they also increase the resting metabolism. Lifting weights is crucial when dieting because we tend to lose both muscle and fat. Muscle also provides a firm foundation to which the skin can adhere.
Do cardiovascular exercise. Cardio burns excess calories and conditions the cardiovascular system. To burn fat, do at least 30 minutes of cardio most days of the week. Walking is joint-friendly and requires little more than time and a good pair of shoes. If you have a gym membership, try the elliptical trainers or stair climbers. You can also take an aerobics class or just play some music and dance around the house.
Start young and start early. Younger skin is more elastic than older skin and younger people may be less likely to experience loose skin with fast weight loss. Also, the bigger you are, and longer you are overweight, the more likely your skin will have "set" at its current size.