How do I Lose Weight With 100 Calorie Packs?
Buy the 100 calorie packs that mimic or imitate your favorite high calorie snacks. For example, if you love Oreos, buy the 100 calorie Oreo snack packages. Buying 100 calorie packs for snacks you don't like as much defeats the purpose because you will eat them and still desire and probably eat the snack you wanted in the first place.
Keep track of your daily calorie intake for each item or meal you eat. To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you eat. Only eat the 100 calorie packs as a substitute for snacks over 100 calories.
Limit the amount of 100 calorie packs you eat each day. Even though they don't contain a lot of calories, they have a surprising amount of sugar. Each cookie pack has two to two and a half teaspoons of sugar in it. That amount of sugar won't hurt you every once in a while, but you are still eating junk food full of empty calories.
Phase out the 100 calorie packs as you become accustomed to eating healthier. You will still need to satisfy your sweet tooth once in a while, but a piece of fruit or a handful of mini carrots contain more nutrients and will satisfy your hunger better than any type of junk food.