How to Help Someone Recognize That They Need to Lose Weight
Approach the subject casually. Do not stage an intervention for the person as this will likely put them on the defensive. Instead casually bring up the topic of health, dieting or exercise to see where the person stands. He may be very eager to start losing weight but lack some initiative. For example, casually saying something like; "I just joined a new gym and they have a great deal for anyone I refer;" or "A friend of mine is considering starting a new diet, I'm thinking of joining them. What do you think?" The point is to bring the topic of losing weight (and related topics) casually to gauge his reaction. From there it will be easier to see his attitude to losing weight.
Ask him to join in on physical activities. Support plays a big role in weight loss and having a friend along for the journey helps a lot. Invite this person to go for walks or play sports. Discourage weight gain by refraining from participating in activities with him that are unhealthy. For example if this person invites you to a restaurant, politely decline by saying "I am trying to eat healthier these days. Why don't we make a healthy meal together at my house instead." Or suggest a restaurant that offers healthy options.
Be direct and supportive. Sometimes hints are not enough and a more direct approach is necessary. If this is the case bring up concern for the friend's health (not his appearance) due to their weight problem. Mention the value the person has in your life and how without action he may not be around to share in all the good times. Offer support. Ask him how he feels about his weight. Find out whether he wants to do anything and how you can help. Always speak with compassion and offer support. This conversation should be private and not in a group setting.