How do I Get Rid of Fat Around the Upper Body With Fitness and Weight Loss?
Things You'll Need
- Diet plan
- Weights
Establish a healthy-eating plan to create a caloric deficit. Nutrition is key to successfully completing any weight loss program. Eat a dieting consisting of 50 percent carbohydrates, 25 percent protein and 25 percent fats that includes foods from all food groups. Eat complex carbohydrates like brown rice and oatmeal, good fats like avocados and lean meats for protein. A diet higher in carbohydrates will provide your muscles fuel during workouts. Cut 250 to 500 calories from your diet everyday to lose one to two pounds a week
Perform resistance training exercises to preserve and build upon the muscle you have. Execute one exercise to workout each major muscle in the upper body--biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest. You can perform all of these exercises in one day or split them over a period of several days. Stretch before and after every weight training session to prevent injury and to remain flexible. Always allow at least one day of rest between working each muscle group to allow your muscles to recover and grow.
Incorporate cardio into your fitness routine to burn excess fat quicker and keep your heart healthy. Aim for at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week. Consider high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to burn larger amounts of calories in a shorter period of time. HIIT consists of performing an aerobic activity like running or biking with your maximum effort for 30 to 60 seconds followed by a longer one-to-two-minute rest period, then repeating this process for typically 15 to 30 minutes. HIIT is more effective at burning fat and maintaining or building muscle mass, which will help you get rid of fat around your upper body in a short amount of time.