How do I Lose Substantial Weight?
Mental Preparation.
Snacking is a dieting downfall for some people. Write down a story of your diet success and failure and describe how this makes you feel. Try to see a pattern in the weight regain. Does the dieting become a burden after a specific length of time? Make a note of your eating over a week, including everything. Try to see if there is a pattern. Some people snack almost unthinkingly when they are watching TV. Some people have several take-out meals in a week.
Ask for help. This may be from your physician, who should check your general health before you embark on a diet and exercise regimen. Your physician may refer you to a dietitian. Join a slimming group, if the support of others is important to you. Set yourself some exercise goals. These may be modest to begin with, perhaps a 20-minute walk every evening after work.
Incorporate more activity into your every day life. For example, always taking the stairs rather than the lift. Buy a pedometer and measure your steps each day. Aim for 10,000. Read up on healthy delicious cooking and recipes. Set yourself small realistic targets of weight loss. Buy more fruit and vegetables, and substitute brown bread for white. Drink 2 liters of water a day.