How do I Successfully Remove Cellulite?
Jump start metabolic functions by reducing the amount of food ingested in one sitting. Spread out the meal intake from current eating habits. If only two meals a day are ingested, stretch them to three smaller meals. Three to four meals will stretch to five. Cut back before and after meal snacking, especially on fatty or heavily sugared treats.
Increase exercise in daily life little by little. Start by adjusting little movements like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or walking instead of driving small distances. Allow this to build until it evolves into a full exercise regiment including abdominal workouts. Focus on cardiovascular activities that keep the blood pumping to ensure a full workout.
Decide on a type of cellulite cream that would work best for the results expected and would not interfere with any current medicine being taken. (See Resources.) Apply cream liberally and daily to cellulite deposits in addition to dieting and exercising, to increase skin elasticity and lower amounts of visible protrusions.