How to Choose Residential Weight-Loss Programs
Ask about the food provided. Different weight-loss programs offer different types of diets. For example, you may find that one program will have you following a strict vegan diet and allows you to eat as much as you want, while another program offers a broader range of foods, but restricts how much you eat. Some short-term residential weight loss centers offer a liquid-only diet. Be sure that the place that you choose offers food that you can see yourself eating long-term.
Look at the activity offerings. Getting exercise is going to be another big part of a weight-loss camp. If you want to enjoy your time there, you need to find one that offers activities you like. For example, if you love being outdoors, you can sign up for a program that has daily hikes or bike rides. You'll be able to get your exercise while having fun.
Find a program with people like you. Some residential weight-loss programs offer services only to certain types of people--kids, teens or women, for example. If you fit in with their target clientele, you may have a better time.
Compare the cost per day. Residential weight-loss programs can cost $5,000 per week or more. To accurately compare the cost, you should do it on a per-day basis, because the length of the program varies. Divide the total cost by the number of days. Add in the cost of transportation to get to the center.