Chinese Remedies for Being Overweight
See Your Doctor
See your doctor prior to embarking on any weight-loss regimen. Discuss your weight-loss goal, the regimen you have chosen and any herbal supplements you intend to use. Make sure these supplements will not interact with any medicines you take. Also discuss your current range of motion, and any physical limitations you have.
Energy Work
The Chinese believe that energy moving through the body helps digest and use food properly, as well as burning calories. The simplest type of energy work involves deep or focused breathing. Focused breathing gets the body revved up and begins moving energy through it. To practice focused breathing, sit in a relaxed, open position and breathe in slowly through the nose, filling the lungs to capacity. Hold the breath for three counts, then slowly begin to exhale through the mouth. Repeat 5 to 10 times. Relax afterward as you may feel a bit light-headed, particularly if you are a beginner.
Practicing tai chi is another good way to move energy through the body, with positions that engage the mind and body and focus on balance.
Acupuncture uses needles inserted in the skin to stimulate the body's energy to promote healing. When seeing an acupuncturist for weight loss, the first order of business is a consultation, which will help the acupuncturist identify the reasons you are over-eating, a sluggish metabolism and energy blockages in the body. The acupuncturist will then determine which pressure points in the body need to be stimulated to assist in weight loss. One note of caution: Be certain the acupuncturist you choose has the appropriate licenses and training.
Traditional Chinese medicine uses natural herbs and preparations to aid in weight loss. Drinking green tea three to five times a day is recommended to cleanse and detoxify the body. Shan Zha (hawthorn fruit) is used to help the body break down meats and to aid digestion. Lian Qiao (forsythia) is used to promote proper digestion and clean the body. Pinellia (a tuber plant), tangerine peel and Fu Ling, which is derived from a fungus, are also body cleansers. These substances clear the body of unwanted liquid, promoting weight loss. Medicated leaven, or Shen Qu, dissolves accumulations of undigested food, and helps digest rice, vinegars and alcohol. Lai Fu Zi (radish seed) helps digest starches such as wheat and breads. Consult with a certified Chinese medicine practitioner to learn which herbs are right for you.
Meditation helps connect the mind and body and get everything synced up for weight loss. Envisioning your body when you reach your goal and meditating on it helps move energy in the body while keeping you focused and confident. You may want to attend a meditation class to get started or purchase a good meditation DVD or book. Practice meditating each day. Patience and time will help you succeed at meditation. Focus on the positive: your goals, progress and successes.