Ways to Lose Weight Quickly Without a Lot of Time
Cut Out Bad Carbohydrates
Sugar is half the battle. All humans need carbohydrates for fuel and energy, but many folks tend to overload on unhealthy carbohydrates, such as processed foods, white flour pastas and white breaded snacks made with refined sugar. These foods often taste great, cost less and are easily prepared in the microwave. Be a conscious carbohydrate eater and consume minimally processed foods like whole grains, beans and vegetables that do not contain refined sugar. Healthy carbohydrates are filling, so the dieter will often consume smaller portions during each meal.
Drink Water
Water is a natural appetite suppressant. By choosing water as the drink of choice, a dieter avoids sugary beverages, keeps their body hydrated and suppresses the appetite. Over time water will become an easier beverage choice because the dieter will realize healthy foods are more filling than diet drinks and sugary juices.
Get Moving
Exercise can help keep the dieter on track. Weight loss occurs when the dieter burns off more calories than consumed. The Mayo Clinic reports adults on a diet program who spent 45 to 60 minutes walking briskly, four times a week, doubled their rate of weight loss.
Select a Suitable Stragegy
Diet food choices are a huge factor to success. An August, 2010 Medline Plus article reported diet success does not necessarily depend on low-carbohydrate, low-fat or high-protein focus, but whether the participant is able to complete the program. Healthy dieting works best when the dieter is goal-driven, happy with the diet food choices, and committed to loosing weight.
Seek Support
Partnership pays off. Find someone else who is trying to lose weight. According to studies at the Mayo Clinic, dieters who found support in a partner, family member or friend were more likely to live a healthier lifestyle and lose weight.