The Best Treadmill Characteristics
Horsepower Rating
The horsepower rating measures how much power the treadmill motor can give to the belt system. The belt system allows the treadmill to move to a desired speed. Treadmill motors have horsepower ranging from 1.5 to 3.0. The Trainer's Secrets website suggests the best treadmills have a horsepower of 2.0 or higher. Anything with a lower rating will require repairs from breakdowns and overheating of the motor.
Aluminum Frame
Most treadmills are made with steel frames. However, the best treadmills are made with aluminum frames. There are benefits to an aluminum frame that make these treadmills superior to others. Aluminum frames can support more weight, according to Trainer's Secrets. Some aluminum treadmills can hold up to 500 lbs. Also, this type of treadmill is superior because it is resistant to rust and corrosion. Steel frames can be warped by water or old age.
Display Console
The display console is an important selling point for treadmill customers. This is where the customer sees features that other treadmills do not have. Some of the most popular treadmills have features like built-in workouts, heart-rate control and music players. While these should not be the only reasons a treadmill is purchased, they should make the treadmill stand out.
Emergency Shut-off
High quality treadmills feature this safety device. An emergency shut-off button cuts power to the treadmill instantly. Some treadmills feature a cord that shuts off power when it is pulled. This safety feature helps in case of tripping or a sudden medical emergency while using the treadmill. The user can quickly cut power to the treadmill, or power is automatically cut.
Safety Lock
Treadmill Online states that this feature keeps children safe. When the treadmill is in lock mode, it cannot be turned on. Children cannot accidentally turn on the treadmill and cause injury to themselves. An estimated 8,700 injuries from home exercise equipment occurs annually in children in the United States, according to Pub Med. The best treadmills have a safety lock feature to keep children safe from injury or death.