Safest & Easiest Way for Men to Lose Weight
Things You'll Need
- Day planner
Make healthier eating choices. Though it may seem obvious, this step is important because eating fatty foods loaded with unncessary toppings can add calories that the body cannot burn off fast enough. People often underestimate the number of calories in foods, especially when eating out. Couple this with inactivity, and the unused calories will be converted into fat, which your body will store. If you are unsure about your choices or need some convincing, use your daily planner to keep track of what you eat for two weeks. Be sure to write down calorie intake as well. During the next two weeks, try your best to make healthier choices, and record these. Compare the caloric intake to see by what percentage you were able to cut down.
Eat less. In addition to watching what you eat, watching how much you eat is also essential. In an attempt to satisfy customers and compete in the restaurant business, your favorite food chains have increased portion sizes beyond what is truly healthy. Consider cutting back on how much you take at the dinner table.
Get active. Inactivity will lead to less calories burned off. These calories will naturally be stored by the body in fat deposits. In men, these deposits normally form around the liver and kidneys, resulting in the famous "beer belly" look. The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research is on the record saying that two-and-a-half hours of aerobic activity per week is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle in adults. However, in obese or even moderately overweight men, more time may be needed.
Hydrate your body by drinking a lot of water. Water naturally flushes your body by ridding it of unwanted toxins you are carrying around from your food and environment. It will help you feel rejuvenated while cleansing and hydrating.
Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. Alcohol, especially beer, is responsible for high carbohydrate intake among men. Carbohydrates are converted to simple sugars in the body used for energy, but these will turn to fat if not used. Cutting down on alcoholic beverages is one way to avoid the appropriately named "beer belly."
Begin a daily vitamin regimen. Nutrients and vitamins naturally come from the foods men eat, but poor eating habits can lead to poor nutrition. When your body does not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals it needs, it performs at less than its best. Boost your stamina and fat-burning abilities by helping your body increase its performance with multivitamins. Today there are many supplements created with men's health in mind.