What Are the Benefits of Garcinia?

Garcinia cambogia is a plant that yields a yellowish fruit and is also referred to as gambooge, brindleberry and garcinia gummi-gutta. A traditional Indian medical remedy, garcinia has come under fire for potential toxicity as well. Used in the weight supplement Hydroxycut, the herb was found to contribute to hepatoxicity (liver damage). Since the benefits have not been proven with extensive studies, consult your doctor before using garcinia.
  1. Fat Metabolism

    • Garcinia has been used in weight loss substances because it changes the way the body metabolizes fat. When the body metabolizes glucose, it typically stores what it needs as glycogen and then turns the rest into fat. An extract from garcinia known as hydrocitric acid (HCA) may slow down the process of fat creation and increase the body’s ability to turn glucose into glycogen (cells found in muscle).

    Less Hunger

    • Individuals who are obese tend to feel as hungry as an average weighted individual because the excess fat in their body cannot be readily used for energy. HCA suppresses those feelings of hunger and, as a result, may prevent obese individuals from overeating. The combination of restricted fat creation with a reduction of hunger pangs has made this a frequent addition to supplements.

    Gastric Ulcer Protection

    • An extract from garcinia may improve the body’s ability to defend the stomach against gastric ulcers. According to the Holistic Herbalist website, a small dose of the herb was given to rats with stomach ulcers and it reduced the acidity and volume of the gastric juice. It also promoted the defensive factors on gastric mucosa. No gastric ulcer studies have been performed on humans using garcinia.

    Blood Triglyceride

    • High levels of blood triglyceride may be connected to an increased risk for heart attacks and strokes. According to Herbs 2000, using the HCA supplement may reduce the levels of blood triglyceride, which may in turn reduce the risk for these conditions. Sugar levels in general may be well controlled by garcinia in individuals who suffer from hypoglycemia.

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