Teas That Burn Belly Fat Fast
Green Tea
Green tea has long been known in China to help with digestion and metabolism, which aid in weight loss. Having green tea after a meal helps the body break down the food it just ate and increases metabolism. According to japanesegreenteaonline.com, green teas help to create thermogenesis (which is the speed of which calories are burned and also helps in fat oxidation.)
Carbohydrates are also released slower as a result of drinking green tea, this eases them into the body and helps the body metabolize them more efficiently.
Cleansing Teas
Cleansing teas, sometimes known as detox teas, work by flushing the body's digestive tract clean of any built up waste residing in it. The process of a detox usually takes approximately one week of daily tea consumption. According to circlesoflight.com, the teas help remove mucoid plaque that can line the colon walls, this plaque not only can cause constipation and inhibit waste elimination but can also arrest digestion, so that the nutrients in foods are not eliminated.
Oolong Tea
According to Teas Etc, A study conducted in 1998 in China demonstrated that by drinking oolong tea for six weeks will result in weight loss reducing body fat. Oolong tea helps in energy expenditure, the body burns more calories as a result of drinking oolong tea and it helps to convert body fat into useful energy. Some people have claimed oolong tea only helps to burn fat because the caffeine it contains burns energy. According to Dr. William Rumpler's 2001 study, this is a myth and oolong tea has many other factors which contribute to weight loss.