How to Lose Bottom and Belly Fat
Determine how many calories you should be eating. Every person has different caloric needs. The average person needs between 1,500 and 2,000 calories to maintain her current weight. If you eat less than the amount of calories that you need to maintain your current weight, you will lose weight. Sign up for a free service, such as, to assess your caloric needs and to keep track of your eating habits. While you will lose weight eating any foods as long as you eat less than the number of calories needed to maintain your current weight, eating low sugar, high fiber, high protein foods, as well as fruits and vegetables, will help you create a healthy and nutritious diet plan.
Perform 30 to 60 minutes of cardiovascular activity each day. Cardio exercises include walking, jogging, biking, playing a sport or swimming. These help burn calories by increasing your heart rate and using up the energy supplied by calories. The more calories you burn each day, the faster you will lose weight and consequently decrease the amount of belly and bottom fat that you are carrying around. There are no magic exercises that will reduce fat on your belly or behind aside from general cardio. Doing a thousand crunches or squats each day will improve your muscle tone and mass; however, they will not have much of an effect on the fat surrounding the muscle.
Perform 20 to 30 minutes of strength training exercises two to three days each week. Strength training exercises generally involve either the use of weights or leveraging your own body weight to work a certain group of muscles. While performing one specific strength training exercise, such as crunches, will not magically make your spare tire disappear, building general muscle mass throughout your body will help you burn additional calories which will assist in overall weight loss.