Alli Vs. Phentramin-D
Fat in the Body
Your body needs a certain amount of calories to function. When you consume more calories than you need, your body stores these calories as fat. If your body is not receiving enough calories, it then will use these fat cells for energy. This action is your basic metabolic rate.
How Alli Works
Alli contains the ingredient orlistat. According to, Alli does not enter into your bloodstream. It stays in your digestive tract and binds to the enzyme lipase. This enzyme is responsible for breaking down fat in your body for it to be either used for energy or stored. By binding to lipase, Alli blocks your body from absorbing some of the fat that you consume. It does not block carbohydrates or proteins. The fat that is blocked by Alli is expelled through your digestive tract when you have a bowel movement. Alli helps you to lose weight by blocking some of the fat you eat and helping you to learn better eating habits. The manufacturers recommend that you take Alli with meals three times a day. Do not take Alli on an empty stomach because Alli works best in conjunction with the foods you eat.
Side Effects of Alli
When you first start taking Alli, you may experience side effects such as gas, loose and greasy bowel movements and an increase in bowel movements. These are signs that Alli is working and will subside after you learn to decrease the fat that you eat. states that only 5 percent of the users stop taking Alli because of unwanted side effects. Some medications may not be absorbed by your body as efficiently when you are taking Alli. Consult with your doctor before you begin taking Alli about any prescriptions you may be taking.
How Phentramin-D Works
According to the manufacturer, MaxLabs, Phentramin-D contains 1,3-Dimethylpentylamine and 1,3,7 trimethylxanthine. Phentramin-D does enter your bloodstream and is metabolized by your liver and re-enters your bloodstream to be distributed to your body. The active ingredients in Phentramin-D act like norepinephrine in your body. MaxLabs also claimes norepinephrine affects your body by increasing metabolism, increasing energy and increasing the speed that fat is used. Phentramin-D mimics the action of norpinephrine by increasing fat metabolization and suppressing your appetite. This helps you to eat less and burn fat more efficiently so that it will not be stored by your body as excess weight. The manufacturers recommend that you take one tablet 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch with a full glass of water. Phentramin-D may cause sleeplessness, and you probably should not take it late in the day.
Side Effects of Phentramin-D
The makers of Phentramin-D claim that this product is safer than Phentramin, however if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, hypothyroidism, the makers of Phentramin-D advise you not to take their product. Consult with your doctor if you are taking any prescription medications before taking Phentramin-D as it may interfere with the absorption of some medications. Side effects are reported to be mild and may include dry mouth, insomnia and moodiness. These may go away once your body adjusts to the effects of Phentramin-D.
While Alli and Phentramin-D may be effective aids for losing weight, they affect the body in very different ways. You should consult your doctor to determine which product is best for you. He will know your medical history and risks and can help you to decide which product will give you the best results.