How to Make a Weight Converter
Things You'll Need
- Computer
- Internet connection
- Card stock
- Pen
- Ruler
Draw one vertical line on your vertically-positioned card stock with a pen and a ruler. Draw the line down the center. Then, draw five or six horizontal lines down the page. You may need to add more "rows" if you have more conversions to list.
Use a free weight conversion website to determine specific weight conversions. One example of such a website is In the blank box on the main page, type in "1."
Click on the measurement you are currently working with from the list in the left-hand column. Then, click the measurement you want to convert to from the list in the right-hand column. For example, perhaps you want to convert one kilogram to one pound. You would click "kilogram" in the left-hand column and "pound" in the right-hand column.
Click the gray "Convert" button. The converted weight will be listed in the blank box below the button.
Write the measurements in your chart.