Using Resistance Bands to Eliminate Belly Weight
By combining these three exercises with traditional weight-loss techniques, you can shrink and tone your stomach relatively quickly.
Things You'll Need
- Resistance bands
- Journal
Resisted Crunches
Loop your resistance band around a stable anchor, such as a pillar. Stand with your back toward, but not facing, the anchor.
Grip the resistance band handles with each hand. Cross your arms over your chest.
With your feet firmly planted, bend forward until your chest is parallel with the floor. Keep your back as straight as possible.
Return to standing up slowly, resisting the pull of the bands to get twice the exercise out of one repetition.
Start by doing three sets of six repetitions. Adjust as necessary to get a moderate workout.
Lateral Twist
Lay the resistance band flat on the floor. Step one foot onto the center of the band. Take both handles of the band in the hand opposite the foot that's on the band.
Without bending your arm, twist at the waist until you're looking over the same shoulder as the hand that's gripping the band. You should twist away from where you have anchored the band. Keep your neck straight so your head is facing the same direction as your chest.
Untwist slowly, resisting the pull of the band to get extra benefit.
Do six repetitions, then change sides. Start with a total of three sets, then adjust as necessary.
Reverse Cockroach
Lie on your back with your legs up and bent. Your thighs should be perpendicular to the ground and your calves parallel. Hook each foot through one handle of the exercise band.
Sit up into a crunch. Loop the exercise band around your upper back. If necessary, run it through one armpit to prevent slipping.
Lie back while extending your feet. Do not let your heels or your shoulders touch the ground. Count to five and return to the crunch position.
Resist the pull of the bands while you return to the crunch position.
Do three sets of six repetitions each. Adjust those sets as your body requires.