Most Effective Way to Eliminate Belly Fat
Examine your eating habits
Though this advice may seem generic, a healthy diet will get rid of those love handles faster than any pill and is far less dangerous (and less expensive) than surgery. Fortunately, if you primarily gain weight in your stomach, you will also likely lose weight in your stomach first.
Document your diet over the course of five days and identify ways to improve your eating habits. Humans are creatures of habit, so find ways to slightly alter your routine instead of eliminating them. If, for example, you get fast food after work for a quick bite, you do not have to stop going to the drive-through; just get a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a bacon cheeseburger. Find healthier alternatives to junk food, like apples dipped in honey instead of apple pie. Instead of regular soda (diet or otherwise), get club soda and add some fruit juice to it. These little steps toward better health will make remarkable differences in your waistline, and no complete overhaul or stringent diet is necessary.
Exercise with the torso in mind
The trick is not only to exercise, but exercise smarter. If you enjoy going to the gym, or desire to enroll, then take advantage of the weight equipment, like the rotary torso machine. The decline bench will work your abdominals since you lift your body weight using your stomach muscles.
If you wish to stay in the privacy of your own home to exercise, consider getting a pilates or yoga DVD. Both of these exercises require stretching and poses that work the "core," or stomach muscles. For an exotic twist, try belly dancing.
Otherwise, simply grabbing your running shoes and briskly walking (or, ideally, jogging) will greatly benefit your health and ultimately lower that belly fat. The "Belly Off! Diet" book explains that cardio activities like running and jogging is critical to eliminating belly fat. The author of the book, Jeff Csatari, recommends doing cardio in intervals, which may be easier anyway: Walk for five minutes, run for one minute. Repeat.
Manage stress effectively
When under stress, your body produces a devilish hormone called cortisol. The book "The Abs Diet" explains that cortisol signals the body to release fat for adrenaline during times of stress. While humans used to use adrenaline (and consequently fat) to run away or tackle predators, the office jungle changes the way people use surges of adrenaline from stress. Now, because fat stores are not burned from adrenaline, fat goes straight to the waist line.
When feeling stressed, "burn" the adrenaline by taking a walk. Walks not only burn calories, but will also provide mental clarity to help solve the issue at hand. Recognize when you are feeling frazzled, and take deep breaths. These tips will keep stress at bay, and in turn, keep a few pounds off the waist.