The Best Fast Diets for Females
Counting calories while maintaining a balanced diet is a lifestyle change, rather than a diet. The thought of being on a diet has negative connotations and often makes women want to eat more than they normally would, because they become fixated on food.
Start with counting calories. Calculate your caloric needs using websites such as Creating a chart or a food journal is the best way to keep track of your diet. It can also help you track your cravings and learn how to overcome them. Women are more likely to experience emotional eating and strong cravings. Tracking calories also gives you the flexibility to eat what you want as long as you control portion sizes. Bagging your favorite snack foods into one serving containers is a great way to enjoy your favorite snacks without overeating.
While controlling portions is an essential part of weight loss, a balanced diet is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle. As you master portion control, start balancing your diet using the USDA's food pyramid. The balanced diet emphasized by the USDA focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains with fewer servings of meat and dairy (see References 1).
Exercise is a crucial component of weight loss. To drop those dress sizes, you must burn more calories than you take in. Consistent exercise is just as important as a consistent diet, meaning you should also consider it a lifestyle change.
Staying active can be very unpleasant if you're performing an activity you do not enjoy. Shop around for a cardiovascular activity that suits you. Cardiovascular activity burns the extra fat women tend to carry in their stomachs, thighs and glutes, without building too much extra muscle.
The easiest way to stay active is to do something you like. If you hate the gym, try bike riding, swimming or dancing. Set realistic goals in terms of exercise. If you've never exercised regularly, start slowly. Overexerting yourself can strain your body and keep you from exercising for days, which is counterproductive. Also, setting attainable goals will serve as motivation.
It is always wise to consult your health care provider before making major lifestyle changes. The food pyramid is a general guide for a balanced diet; your doctor is familiar with your dietary needs, deficiencies and physical capabilities. Collaborate with your health care provider in your efforts to lose weight quickly, effectively and in the healthiest way possible.