How to Lose Weight Fast But Healthily at Home
Choose healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains and non-fat or low-fat dairy products.
Avoid or limit saturated fats, cholesterol, sodium and sugar.
Avoid fast food and most pre-packaged snack foods. These items are usually full of "empty" calories. That is, they offer plenty of calories (and usually sugar and fat), but they don't offer any nutritional value.
Prepare healthy snacks ahead of time so that they are quickly available when you get hungry. Examples of healthy snacks include fruits, yogurt, chopped-up vegetables with low-fat dip, and nuts.
Allow yourself an occasional splurge. If you've stuck to healthy foods all week, you might want to indulge in an ice cream cone on the weekend. The key is balance. A single treat every once in a while does not mean that you should allow yourself to binge. A treat also helps you to stay motivated and to feel like you aren't completely depriving yourself of the foods you like.
Practice consistent cardiovascular exercise, which helps to burn fat and reduce weight. Cardiovascular exercises include activities that give your heart and lungs a workout. These activities can be brisk walking, jogging, biking, playing tennis or swimming. Try to work out for 30 to 45 minutes at least 5 times a week.
Try strength training with weights. Strength training not only makes you stronger, but it also helps you burn fat more efficiently. Invest in a simple set of dumbbells, a barbell and a weight bench. You can lose weight without strength training, but strength training will help you lose excess pounds faster.
Train without weights if you prefer by performing basic strengthening exercises. These exercises include abdominal crunches, push-ups, squats and calf raises.
Become more active in everyday events. Choose the stairs rather than the elevator. Park farther away from the store. Get up and work in your garden rather than plop down in front of the television.
Personalize Your Plan
Meet with your doctor in order to figure out a diet and personal fitness plan that's healthy for you. Most physicians recommend losing only about one or two pounds per week in order to stay healthy. Your doctor may say that it's okay for you lose more rapidly if she determines that you are in the physical condition to do so. Some conditions require slow weight loss (or sometimes no weight loss at all); these conditions include pregnancy, breast-feeding, and those with a low body weight already (or a history of eating disorders).
Adjust the number of calories you eat according to your body type and activity level. The daily caloric requirement for the average adult is 2,000 calories. You may need more if you have a large frame or less if you are very small. Athletes and individuals who are very active may need more than 2,000 calories each day, whereas people who have very little regular physical activity won't need as many.
Determine your target weight by using a formula based on the body mass index formula. Square your height in inches and multiply the answer by 18.5. Then divide that product by 703. This should give you your lightest ideal weight. Square your height in inches again and multiply by 24.9; then divide by 703. This should give you your heaviest ideal weight. For instance, if you are 67 inches tall, you would perform the following equations:
(1) 67 x 67 = 4,489; 4,489 x 18.5 = 83,046.5; 83,046.5 / 703 = 118.13
(2) 67 x 67 = 4,489; 4,489 x 24.9 = 111,776.1; 111,776.1 / 703 = 159
Therefore, your goal should be to weigh between 118 and 159 pounds. Having a definite long-term goal can help you to lose weight faster.