How to Burn Fat in Lower Back & Legs
Things You'll Need
- Free weights
- Floor mat
- Back extension machine
Do squats to strengthen your upper legs and lower back. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level. Keeping your back straight, squat as low as you can, then rise slowly. Repeat the exercise for three sets of 20 or more. This exercise will tighten up your lower back fast.
Use lots of back extensions to keep your lower back and the backs of your legs firm. Lie face down on the back extension machine. Your body will be at roughly a 45-degree angle. You should lean forward toward the ground, then raise yourself back to your original position. Do at least three sets of 20 of these. If they are too easy, then do them holding a weight close to your chest.
Practice your planks. A plank involves holding your body off the ground in a straight position. Usually you will be balanced on a combination of your feet and arms. Side planks are good for your side muscles, which can help hold your lower back more firmly in place and reduce jiggly fat. This involves balancing on your forearm and the side of your foot while keeping your body perfectly straight. Regular planks focus more on abdominal strength and allow you to balance on both forearms and both sets of toes.
Sit on a chair that isn't there. Wall-sits require you to assume a sitting position while leaning against a wall. Your knees should form a right angle, and your back should be straight against the wall. Sit there as long as possible. This exercise is great for legs and lower back.
Get plenty of cardiovascular exercise. While cardio may not target your lower back and legs, it will result in overall weight loss. Combined with these muscle-toning and strengthening exercises, cardio can help you get lower back and leg results fast.