How to Lose Weight in Your Face Quickly
Drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water a day. Without water, the body starts to store water to ensure it can perform its normal activities. Your face ends up bloated. If you drink sufficient amounts of water, the body stops storing it and starts to flush it out.
Reduce salt intake. The body will retain water in your body to dilute excess salt in order to protect tissues from the salt's harmful effects. Avoid frozen food that is high in sodium, chips and junk food. Sprinkle salt on your food instead of using a spoon.
Avoid alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates the body, resulting in face bloating. It is also high in calories. A 5-oz. glass of wine contains 100 calories. Alcohol consumption results in overall weight gain, and especially adds pounds to the face. Avoid any form of alcohol--wine, beer or hard liquor.
Exercise regularly. Aim for a vigorous 30-minute workout like brisk walking, running, biking or dancing. Aerobic workouts burn calories and sweat gets rids of water weight, resulting in a leaner body and face. Increase the duration of your workouts as your body gets used to the exercise.