Apple Powder for Weight Loss or Yeast Overgrowth
Apple Pectin
Apple pectin is a white, powdered product made up of complex carbohydrates. It contains fibers that are water-soluble tissues derived from the apple plant; when this powder is mixed with water, it generates a substance of a gel-like consistency. The gel allows the powder to bind to fats and cholesterols as well as sugars in your digestive tract and minimizes the amounts of fats, cholesterols, and sugars your system absorbs. Apple pectin is high in fiber, which helps make your bowel movements regular. The fiber in apple pectin can aid in weight loss.
Cholesterol Control
Apple powder has the ability to bind to cholesterol as well as fats in your body before your body absorbs them. The apple powder then helps eliminate the cholesterol and fat from your body via the process of elimination through your bowel movements. Apple pectin may control fats and cholesterols to help prevent cardiovascular conditions, arteriosclerosis, plaque formation, and stroke. The soluble fibers in apple pectin help reduce low-density lipoproteins, a form of cholesterol that is extremely bad for you in high levels.
Candida Control
Apple powder balances the natural bacteria in your intestinal tract and decreases the chance of yeast overgrowth. When yeast cells grow uncontrolled, you can end up with a candida infection. Apple powder can naturally eliminate bacterial enzymes and colonic carcinogens via your bowels; it increases bowel movements, diminishes constipation, and diarrhea, and helps keep your intestinal bacteria in balance by maintaining healthy bacteria and destroying unhealthy bacteria. The good bacteria that remain in your intestines can lower your chances of candida overgrowth.
Weight Loss Management
The same binding process that controls the amount of cholesterol you absorb in the body also helps in controlling the absorption of sugars you consume. Your blood sugar levels are, therefore, not affected by foods you consume when you are using apple powder supplements. This powder maintains healthy blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for diabetics. Apple pectin contains soluble fibers beneficial for weight loss endeavors; the fiber in apple powder will help you feel full and naturally decrease your appetite.
Apple Pectin Consumption
Take two to three 600mg capsules of apple pectin one time per day for weight control and for cholesterol management. Use the same dosage to control candida overgrowth. Using apple powder may affect your ability to absorb other minerals and nutrients, such as magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, and iron. Side effects include gas, diarrhea (if used in extreme amounts), abdominal discomfort, and flatulence. Do not use apple powder if you are nursing or pregnant unless advised by your doctor.