Holiday Weight Loss
Holiday Gatherings
Before attending a holiday event such as a party or family gathering, it can be helpful to plan ahead to avoid consuming extra calories. Try consuming a healthy snack such as a piece of fruit or almonds just before arriving. This can help you feel full, which can lessen the desire to consume large amounts of food at the gathering.
Avoid Temptation
Many workplaces have a wide variety of snacks available throughout the holiday season. To maintain a weight loss program, you will need to make an effort to avoid areas where they may be located such as break rooms. Many people also receive gifts of food from friends or business associates. Rather than consuming them yourself, you can bring them to work to share with others.
Additional Exercise
If you have already started a weight loss program, chances are you are also taking part in an exercise regimen. To lose weight, it may be necessary to add to it over the holidays. For example, if you do overindulge at a family gathering, you can take a 20-minute walk after the meal to help burn off the extra calories. If you typically exercise three days a week, you might consider adding a fourth day until the holiday season concludes.
Alter Your Diet
Since it may be unrealistic to completely avoid fattening foods over the holidays, you should concentrate on eating more of the good foods when you are away from the cookies and candy. Try to include a salad or bowl of vegetable soup for lunch, and take some celery sticks or carrots to snack on at work. You'll be getting necessary nutrients while limiting the desire for the sweet stuff.
Slow Down
Even if you can't resist temptation, you still don't have to abandon your weight loss plan. Just by eating slowly, you can reduce the amount of calories you consume. According to a University of Rhode Island study, people who ate their food over a period of 9 minutes consumed 646 calories, while those who spread their eating time over 29 minutes consumed only 579 calories.