Kelp as a Weight-Loss Supplement
Iodine is a relatively small mineral in your body, accounting for less than 1/1000 of your body's mass. But its presence is essential to the health and activity of the thyroid. The thyroid controls your metabolism, energy and your body's growth. A lack of iodine, which is very rare, leads to weight gain and easy exhaustion. Iodine is key to maintaining the energy that allows you to workout and stay fit. Kelp is full of iodine, so many people have turned to it as a weight loss supplement.
Why Kelp?
Iodine was originally discovered in kelp. Kelp is a natural and healthy way to get iodine into the body. Eating kelp or taking a kelp supplement normalizes the thyroid, as opposed to increasing its activity like unregulated iodine does. This normalization helps to regulate your metabolism, helping the obese to lose weight and the overly thin to put on the pounds they need to be healthy. It's also a diuretic that will help you to shed water weight. Kelp has a salty flavor and, for that reason, many people can use it as a substitute for table salt.
Warnings and Prevention
We get a sufficient about of iodine in our diets. Most table salts are fused with iodine, as are a number of crop fertilizers, which means we're getting healthy amounts of the mineral in our normal diets. Those who use kelp supplements to maintain a high metabolism should keep track of iodine levels in the body. Excess levels of iodine in your body can cause hyperthyroidism, which can increase adrenaline levels. This can cause diarrhea, heart palpitations, terror and anxiety problems, and unhealthy levels of weight loss.