Food to Eat for Fast Weight Loss
Fruits and Vegetables
Fill your plate with more fruits and vegetables than protein or carbohydrates. One cup of mushrooms has 15 calories compared with 150 calories that are in chips. Use mushrooms or celery for dips. Get more nutrition by eating spinach rather than iceberg lettuce. Just one cup has 7 calories and is the perfect filler for sandwiches and salads. Goji berries have been found to have appetite-curbing effects and offer a good source of protein compared with other fruits. Throw them into trail mix or on top of yogurt. Grapefruit has been a traditional way to start a day. Amazingly, there are just 45 calories in one grapefruit. Apples are another great fruit, because they have offer fiber that flush out toxins. You can slice them up or bake one in the oven at 350 F. for 30 minutes. Just sprinkle some cinnamon and your have a dessert.
Protein gives you energy and helps build muscle mass. Choose lean proteins such as fish, chicken, turkey or shellfish. Salmon contains Omega-3 oils, which helps aid in insulin sensitivity. This will help you build muscle. Likewise, four large shrimp have 22 calories, thus making them great for adding on top of salads or throwing in brown rice stir fries. Be careful to keep your protein servings of chicken to a stack of cards. One chicken breast has roughly 250 to 400 calories depending on the size of the breast.
Refrain from eating anything other than low-fat or non-fat dairy products. Many cheese slices carry a large allotment of 100 calories per a slice. Non-fat American cheese slices have around 16 calories per a slice. You can melt them on three egg whites to have a meal under 100 calories. Better cheeses to use are feta or goat crumbles that can be used for salads.
Diet Plan
Start your morning off with a breakfast like egg whites and grapefruit. Other options include an English muffin with two egg whites. Have a mid-morning meal of grapes or vegetable slices. For lunch, enjoy a spinach salad with fish or a shrimp salad on one slice of whole grain bread. Eat a mid-afternoon meal of fruit or one non-fat yogurt. End the day with a meal like broccoli and fish, whole wheat couscous and turkey, or brown rice and chicken. Count up the calories you consume, but refrain from going any lower than 1,200 calories a day. Your body will go into starvation mode and as soon as you eat more calories it will put weight back on again. Try out some of these foods and see which ones you enjoy best.