The PRISM Weight Loss System
The PRISM Diet
The PRISM diet is largely low carbohydrate, much like the Atkins Diet. One major difference is that PRISM also encourages eating carbohydrates that come from fruits and vegetables.
The 24-week program begins dieters on a strict low-carbohydrate, low-sugar eating plan. A larger variety of foods will be re-introduced as you progress through the system, which is designed to teach healthy eating habits and portion control.
PRISM Support
The PRISM curricula that you will receive in your support group or by ordering online includes a dietary guide as well as a workbook. The diet focuses on cutting processed foods and excess sugar from your daily diet, and the workbook contains inspirational readings designed to change your attitudes toward food and yourself.
Ideally, members of the PRISM weight-loss system will join a weekly support group sponsored by a church where they can meet, view PRISM video presentations and engage in discussion groups designed to provide mutual support.
For those who cannot join a group, though, PRISM offers a program based on phone correspondence and also offers literature designed to take you through the program without any outside help.
Finding a Program
To find a PRISM support group near you, you can call the national PRISM hot line, (800) 755-1738. The phone line is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. PST and Fridays between 9 a.m. and 1 p;m. PST. Before you call, though, be sure to have the name and ZIP code of your city handy, as well as the names and ZIP codes of two or three nearby cities.
If no PRISM support groups are available in your area, you can always start your own support group at your local church with your pastor's support. Group leaders can even participate in the PRISM program for free if their group contains five members or more. For information on starting a PRISM support group, call the PRISM hot line. Calling this number will also provide information on correspondence courses where support is provided over the phone.
Finally, if you would like to work independently, you may order the PRISM weight-loss system online at The provided curricula will give you all the information you need to follow the PRISM program on your own.