Which Diet Pills Really Work to Lose a Lot of Weight?
Fat Blockers
If you are looking for a fat blocker, Alli is the one fat-blocking pill that has proved to be effective. When you follow the directions on the packaging and adhere to a low-fat eating plan, you will find that Alli truly does block the absorption of some of the fat you eat. The results are faster weight loss than you would experience from a low-fat diet alone. The trick to using Alli is in watching your fat intake. It is acceptable to eat a small amount of fat but an over-consumption can cause digestive issues such as cramping and diarrhea. Alli may be combined with other types of diet supplements, though it is imperative to consult with your physician before trying any supplement, whether alone or combined.
If your goal is an extra fat-burning boost to your diet plan, thermogenics can help you. Thermogenics are essentially metabolic boosters. Many of these types of pills do work to speed the metabolism. The problem comes in with the safety of the ingredients. Ephedrine in all its forms is effective for burning extra calories and increasing energy, but misuse or an overabundance of ephedrine in diet supplements has also been known to cause heart palpitations and even death. Caffeine is a relatively safe ingredient, although it can make a person jittery and irritable, especially if one is sensitive to it.
One type of thermogenic ingredient has received positive feedback. Green tea is not just an antioxidant. It is also a metabolic stimulant. Pills that use green tea as a main thermogenic ingredient may aid in burning fat. Green tea is also touted as an appetite suppressant, though this claim is not as well-documented as its use as a thermogenic. Still, green tea may give a fat-burning boost to your weight loss plan. One pill that uses green tea as a source of all active ingredients is SlimStyles Green Tea Thermogenic Formula.
Appetite Suppressants
Are you having trouble with appetite control? You may want to try appetite suppressants. The most effective stand-alone appetite suppressant is available only by prescription. Phentermine does work but has limited benefits as it is never recommended for long-term use. There are risks of side-effects such as blurred vision, palpitations, dry mouth, sleeplessness, constipation and irritability. Certain health conditions may preclude the use of Phentermine. It is prescribed to those who need to lose more than a few pounds. If you are interested in trying it as an appetite suppressant, talk to your doctor.
As far as appetite suppressants go, the best and safest non-prescribed method is an increase in fiber intake. Fiber supplements that come in pill form, such as Metamucil or Citracal, can help you feel full faster and longer, but increasing your intake by eating fiber-rich foods is the best option.