Protein & Weight Loss
Protein forms the building blocks of the body and supports healthy muscle, bone, hair and skin development. It is an essential part of the diet and can be found in all meats, dairy products, nuts and beans. Whey protein isolate is a complete protein derived from cow's milk and soy protein is derived from soy beans. These are both used to make protein powders, shakes and bars and they are both suitable for vegetarians and those who are lactose intolerant.They are both gluten free.
Weight Loss
Protein is a popular focus for assisting with weight loss and is often a focus for many diets. The reason for this is that it is digested and absorbed at a slower rate than other components in food and therefore it has the ability to balance and level out blood sugar levels so that you stay fuller for longer and reduce the need to snack. Protein also assists in muscle recovery and repair after exercise so it's easier to do harder workouts more frequently, which assists in burning more calories. Having stronger muscles also speeds up the metabolism which encourages weight loss.
Protein shakes are often used as a low calorie way of having a large amount of protein. They are mixed with milk or water and can be made into smoothies. Protein shakes are high in nutrients and can be used as meal replacement. They have a balance of protein and carbohydrates so that nothing is left out of a meal. They can be taken within half an hour after exercise to assist with muscle and energy recovery.
A diet high in protein can begin with a protein shake or smoothie for breakfast. This can be followed by a lunch that is a sandwich on whole wheat or rye bread containing salad and some form of protein such as chicken, egg or tofu. A mid afternoon snack of fruit and nuts can be eaten. For dinner a protein source such as fish or beans can be eaten with grilled vegetables, brown rice or whole wheat pasta.
Many types of meat and dairy can be high in saturated fats, in particular red meat. Grilling meat can help in reducing the fat content. Many soy products are highly processed making them a little harder to digest. Both of these issues can be fixed by consuming a large quantity of fruit and vegetables through the day. For any diet, it is very important to drink 8 to 12 cups of water daily.