Effective Body Fat Reducers
Drink More Water
Two organs play a vital role in the metabolism of fat: The liver and the kidneys. Increasing your water intake helps both of these organs function more efficiently.
The liver and kidneys work together to metabolize fat stores. If the kidneys are dehydrated, the liver cannot properly perform its job of converting fat into energy. To ensure you are properly hydrated, you should drink a gallon of water a day.
Exercise In the Morning
Though you may be hungry when you first wake up, you will burn more fat if you exercise before you eat and here is why.
While you are sleeping, your metabolism is at its slowest, burning only carbohydrates, your body's first source of energy. If you exercise before eating, your body will have no choice but to burn its only other available source for energy to get you through your workout--stored fat. Once you finish, replenish your body with a high protein breakfast such as an egg white and cheese omelet; the protein will not only help repair the muscles you have just worked, the amino acids will aid in building muscle. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will remain, the more fat you will continue burning.
Track Your Fats
In every diet, there are foods to avoid and foods to eat; fats are included in this. Fats you need to avoid are saturated fats. These are found in animal products such as red meat and dairy products. Limiting your intake of these products, or opting for leaner cuts and low-fat versions will help decrease the amount of fat stored in your body.
Fats you need more of are omega-3 fatty acids. These are found most commonly in fish such as salmon, mackerel and trout. They can also be found in ground flaxseed and in the form of supplements. Omega-3s have the ability to burn fat by enhancing your metabolic function.
Know Your Carbs
There are three types of carbohydrates you need to familiarize yourself with: Simple carbs, complex carbs and fiber.
Simple carbs, such as white bread, white rice and products such as cakes and cookies made with refined sugar cause an insulin spike in your system. Not only are they high in calories, they also make you gain and retain body fat.
Complex carbs, such as beans, oats, brown rice and potatoes, stimulate your metabolism. They keep your insulin levels stable, and aid help burn fat stored in your body.
Fiber is found in whole grain foods like whole wheat bread, pastas, fruits and vegetables. They not only increase your feeling of fullness, they help eliminate fat from your body. The daily recommended dose of fiber a day is 30 g, however for optimal fat burning results, an additional 10 g is helpful.
Eat Frequently
Eating five to six small meals a day, spaced no more than three hours apart, is one of the greatest ways of keeping your metabolism running at its peak throughout the day. Just as a car will quit running when its gas tank is empty, a metabolism will stop burning if there is no food to keep it going. You must make healthy choices though; include plenty of fruits and vegetables, high protein foods and low-fat dairy products such as string cheese and yogurt. Nuts such as almonds and walnuts are good snack choices, however portion sizes need to be kept in check.