Ideas for Office Weight Loss Contests
Getting Off on the Right Track With Your Employer
Before you begin your office weight loss contest, talk to your human resources director about what is available to you and other employees to both motivate and encourage you in your weight loss goals. It's a possibility that your organization and/or your health insurer have tools available to assist you with your program.
If you are part of a smaller company that may not have as many healthy living incentives, ask your human resources officer or your manager if other incentives to get your program rolling are available. One idea is to ask that a number of vacation or personal hours be granted to every participant in your program. Or ask if you can organize a Weight Watchers meeting for your organization.
A Safe, Healthy Contest for Everyone
It's best if everyone in your office weight loss contest has an even playing field. That means formulating weight loss programs that will work for everyone.
One way to come up with a weight loss program that works for all participants is to have a professional come and assist you. Contact your local hospital, health department or agricultural extension to see if there is a dietitian on staff who can come, for no fee or for a minimal fee split among all participants, to help you formulate meal plans. Have the dietitian incorporate healthy challenges--such as eating the recommended servings of fruit and vegetables every day--into your contest.
If all participants are agreeable, make a Weight Watchers or other weight loss meeting part of the challenge, or contact Weight Watchers to organize a meeting at your business.
Exercise is a big factor in any weight loss contest. Making sure the participants are exercising--and exercising safely--is key.
Walking is the cheapest, easiest exercise available. Schedule time during the day for participants to take a 10- to 15-minute walk, and use their participation as part of the contest.
You can also contact your human resources department or insurance carrier to see if a gym membership is part of your health insurance plan, and if it is, use visits to the gym as part of the contest.
Rewarding the Contestants
One of the most challenging parts of an office weight loss contest is the reward for the winner. Of course, one of the easiest ways to circumvent this challenge is to change your office's thinking about winners and losers.
Rather than rewarding the "biggest loser" every week or month, why not incorporate challenges that offer the potential for every participant to win? Have a team meeting once a week where you recognize participants who have fulfilled each of the week's challenges. Here are a few challenges to get you started:
Recognize participants who brought a healthy lunch to work for the week. Reward them all with a healthy dessert.
Recognize participants who brought a vegetable or fruit they had never tried before to work for lunch or a snack.
Recognize participants who walked during their breaks each day of the week. Reward them with pedometers or water bottles.
Recognize participants who are drinking more water while at the office.
Recognize participants who have lowered their cholesterol, blood sugar levels or blood pressure. Ask your health insurer or human resources for extra-special rewards for these participants.