Quick Diet Plan
Bloating is a constant problem for dieters. Your body stores water when it feels dehydrated or your diet consists of too many carbohydrates. Fibrous foods, such as fruits and vegetables, can flush excess water and waste from your system. Fruits with the greatest amount of fiber are figs, blueberries, apples, plums, peaches and prunes. Throw these fruits on top of low-fat, non-sugar yogurt or frozen yogurt. Keep dried fruits to a bare minimum because they contain a lot of calories and don't fill you up.
Vegetables with an excellent amount of fiber include spinach, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and mustard greens. Cook these foods to avoid bloating. Other foods to avoid that cause bloating are dairy, starches and sugar. Iceberg lettuce is notorious for causing bloating. Instead of iceberg, choose spinach when making a salad.
Proteins make you full longer, which will help you avoid blood sugar fluctuations that lead to binges. Lean meats and fish are excellent sources of protein. Keep your serving size to a deck a cards. Fish is a wonderful source of protein and has comparatively less calories than soy products and meat. Refrain from using oils when preparing proteins. Boil, poach, steam, grill or use a cooking spray to cook. Olive oil is very healthy for you, but most contain over 150 calories per tablespoon. Season your food with spices other than salt; salt makes your body retain excess water.
Meal Routine
Eat five small meals a day, rather than three large ones. Make your breakfast omelet with just the egg whites. Have fruit or vegetables for mid-morning and afternoon snacks. Skip greasy lunches by packing your own meals of cooked fish and spinach salad. Enjoy a light dinner of soups that aren't creamy or full of cheese. Many people who feel hungry are actually dehydrated. Drink as much water as you can during the day. By drinking more water you actually flush out the water your body has been holding onto in the fat cells. When you feel the urge to binge take a walk, but don't engage in high-impact exercise because it will make you more hungry.
It is estimated that by losing water weight you can lose up to 8 pounds in a week. Set reasonable goals and follow a diet that is sure to have your jeans slipping on more easily.