Quick Tips to Lose Weight in Five Days
The most important first step is to drink more fluids, especially water. Water helps you to feel full and it also flushes calories and fat from your body. Many experts believe that what we think of as hunger pangs are actually the first signs of dehydration. How much is enough? If your urine is clear or a pale straw color, you are drinking enough water. If it is golden or yellow, drink more.
Do not allow any snacks between meals. If you want to lose weight in five days, you can't afford the extra calories. Avoid the vending machines and the cookie jar. Consider what you can do to distract yourself from them: call a friend, tackle a household chore, run an errand.
Concentrate on the Big Four
At meal times, concentrate on these four foods: lean protein, vegetables, fruit and whole grains. Eliminate sugar, salt and extra fat from your plate as much as possible. Do not go back for seconds. Chew each bite slowly and savor the taste.
Wear the Right Clothes
The right size and the right cut of clothes can make all the difference in how you look. You can easily look several sizes smaller or larger depending on how your clothes fit. Take some time to find exactly the right outfit for how you look now. Ask a friend or a store staff member for advice. The size is just a number, it's how you look that's really important.
If you have a chronic medical problem, such as diabetes, consult your doctor or nutritionist before starting any weight-loss plan.
Diet pills and liquids may have undesirable side effects (e.g., irritability, sleeplessness, heart palpitations). Avoid them if possible.
A weight loss of one to two pounds per week is considered optimal for losing weight and keeping it off. Losing a large amount of weight in a short amount of time may trigger health problems.