Weight Loss Hypnosis Techniques
What is Hypnosis?
MSN Encarta defines hypnosis as an altered state of consciousness in which a person's mind is more open to suggestion. For achieving weight loss, hypnosis allows a person to be more willing to change habits that could be causing weight gain. For example, a hypnosis practitioner may suggest to a hypnotized subject to alter eating and exercising routines in a way that would encourage a healthy lifestyle and, in turn, lead to weight loss. Hypnosis is also a way to uncover underlying issues that may be causing weight gain in the first place. Sometimes stress, anxiety or depression can lead to overeating, and if a hypnosis practitioner is able to pinpoint the root of the problem, it is much easier to change.
Weight Loss Hypnosis Techniques
Hypnosis can be performed by a hypnotist or it can be self-induced. If you are unfamiliar with hypnosis techniques, clinical psychologist Dr. Bruce Eimer recommends getting help from a qualified hypnosis practitioner to guide you through the proper steps. A hypnotist will typically induce you into a hypnotic state by repeating verbal commands in a soothing, monotone voice. However, after several sessions, a skilled hypnotist should provide you with proper instructions on how to self-induce hypnosis. You will probably be given a tape containing messages that encourage healthy eating and exercise habits. You listen to the tape repeatedly in the comfort of your home and focus on controlling your breathing patterns in a relaxed state.
Hypnosis can be a very effective tool for achieving weight loss. However, if you are looking to lose a significant amount of weight, weight loss hypnosis should not be the sole instrument you use to attain your goal. In fact, weight loss hypnosis has only proven to achieve low to moderate amounts of weight loss and is more effective when it is combined with other forms of weight loss treatment.