A Three Day Weight Loss Plan
The 3 Day Diet was first publicized in 1985 as a way to quickly lose 10 pounds, lower cholesterol and increase energy levels. In order to fulfill the diet and maximize your results you must follow the diet strictly for the three days. The plan boasts that the combination of foods and beverages stimulate metabolism and burning fat. Those on the diet should consume everything at every meal and not eliminate calories even if they are not hungry.
Know that this diet has no scientific data to support the claims on metabolism and has an unknown origination. Those who don't support the claims of the 3 Day Diet claim that much of the weight loss is fluid loss instead of fat.
The Menu
For Day 1, breakfast should consist of black coffee with 1 to 2 packets of Equal, 1/2 grapefruit or juice with one piece of toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter. Lunch consists of 1/2 cup of tuna with one slice of toast with the same coffee or tea combination. Dinner contains 3 oz. of lean meat or chicken, one cup of carrots, an apple and one cup of regular vanilla ice cream.
On Day 2, breakfast keeps the coffee/tea and toast. Eat one egg and half of a banana. For lunch have one cup of cottage cheese or tuna with eight saltine crackers. Dinner should have two beef franks with one cup of broccoli, half a cup of carrots and half a banana. Have a 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream for dessert.
Breakfast Day three maintains the coffee/tea with Equal. Consume five saltine crackers, one ounce of cheddar cheese and one apple. Lunch consists of the coffee, one boiled egg and a slice of toast. Dinner includes the cup of tuna with one cup of carrots, one cup of cauliflower and one cup of melon. The vanilla ice cream is dessert once again.
Drink four cups of water daily.
Other Three Day Diet Plans
Aside from this very specific diet regimen, there are many popular diets that can be used over a three day period. Most of these today are designed as detox diets that help your body eliminate toxins and burn fat. These are often colon cleanses that stimulate metabolism, helping your body increase the amount of fat it burns. These diets often consist of fruit or fruit juice with a lot of water. These diets increase fiber consumption and reduce caloric intake. Once again, these diets are not meant to be long term solutions. Talk to your doctor about a long-term plan that includes dietary modifications with exercise.