How to Not Feel Hungry
Eat smaller meals frequently. Instead of eating one large meal three times a day, eat five to six little meals throughout the day. This can help you control your hunger urges and make you feel full.
Eat slowly during your meals. It takes your hypothalamus, a part of your brain that regulates hunger, approximately 30 minutes to recognize your stomach is full. Eating slowly will give your hypothalamus sufficient time to tell your stomach that it is full and it is time to stop eating.
Eat foods high in fiber every day. Fiber-rich foods make you feel full because they absorb the liquids in your stomach and swell, causing other digested foods to expand. Foods high in fiber include wheat bran, broccoli, prunes, whole wheat breads and corn bran.
Eat a healthy snack if you cannot control the urge to eat. Avoid junk foods such as pastries, candies and chips. Instead, eat crunchy vegetables and fruits like carrots and apples, which can fill you up without the guilt of refined sugar or processed foods.
Drink a glass of water when you feel hungry. Drinking water when you feel hungry can trick your stomach into thinking it is full. Aside from making you feel full, water can help you lose weight by working to flush out extra fat content from your body.