ABC Diet
A Foods
High in antioxidents, asparagus is a great diet choice. The ABC Diet has you eat certain foods that begin with the letters A, B and C. Wieder's ABC Diet "A foods" are abalone (edible sea snails) antelope, asparagus and apples. Abalone is full of protein and the other three "A foods" are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, making them great diet choices.
B Foods
Consuming high-fiber baguettes will help you feel fuller longer. The "B foods" permitted by the ABC Diet are Beluga caviar, bouillon, bean curd and baguettes. The "B foods" of the ABC Diet differ slightly from the "A foods." While the first is high protein as in the "A food" list, the following three are intended more to fill you up. Bouillon, which essentially is soup broth, can prevent hunger by filling your stomach, and bean curd and baguettes are high fiber foods. High fiber foods have been shown to increase one's sense of fullness.
C Foods
Catsup is the only sauce permissible on the ABC Diet. Finally in the ABC Diet are foods that begin with the letter C. These "C foods" as denoted by Wieder are chard (which is a spinach-type vegetable), celery, catsup and carrots.
Mix and Match
Follow the ABC's but feel free to mix and match to create a little variety and avoid getting bored with your diet. Just get creative; simply because you are limited to certain foods does not mean that you cannot have a bit of fun with the ABC Diet. Research proves that attitude helps immensely with weight loss, so if you are happy about your diet you are more likely to stick to it and reap its weight loss benefits.
Mix and Match Ideas
Chop celery and carrots and add to bouillon for an ABC Diet friendly soup. Baguettes can be used in many mix and match ideas that are ABC Diet friendly. For example, you can make a sandwich using chard, a baguette and some caviar as spread. Another great and simple mix and match idea: Thinly slice carrots and celery and add them to bouillon for a light soup dish.