What Helps Reduce Belly Fat?
Consume protein and fiber-rich foods such as eggs, low-fat dairy, beans, oatmeal, olive oil, whole grains and lean meat. Snack on raw fruit and vegetables.
Protein-fueled foods such as eggs, low-fat dairy and lean meat provide muscle-building amino acids, which help the body burn fat throughout the day. Fiber-rich foods such as beans, whole grains and oatmeal keep you feeling satisfied.
Cook and eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. Grill, steam or saute meat, vegetables and grains in a tablespoon of olive oil. Never fry or coat food in heavy breading, sauces or cheese.
Phase out belly-fat-boosting sugar, white flour and processed foods. Reduce salt intake, because sodium encourages stomach bloating.
Reduce belly fat by taking a whole-body approach to exercising. Instead of exercising one part of your body or doing one kind of exercise, adopt a strength/cardio routine that incorporates both your upper and your lower body. For example, do jump squats while also doing shoulder presses with a pair of dumbbells, or do jumping jacks with dumbbells.
Many of the latest fitness DVDs, including those by trainers Jillian Michaels, Jackie Warner and Tony Hornton, offer 45-minute to one-hour cardio and strength-building workouts.
Doing abdominal crunches alone will not reduce belly fat, but ab exercises will strengthen and build the muscle underneath. To strengthen abdominal muscles, do double reverse crunches. Get into a crunch position on the floor with your hands behind your ears. As you bring your shoulders off the floor, draw your knees to your chest, and contract your stomach muscles. Do this movement 50 times, take a one-minute break, and then do 50 more crunches.