How to Flatten Abs Fast
Increase protein and eat smaller portions to flatten abs fast. Research reveals that people who eat more protein during the day, especially at breakfast, lose more stomach fat. Eating smaller portions will help increase metabolism and help reduce that hard to lose visceral fat around the waist.
Eat some monounsaturated fats with each meal like olive oil and almonds to flatten abs fast. Prevention's Flat Bell Diet suggests that people who eat small four meals a day with a little monounsaturated fat and who eat a maximum of 1600 calories each day lose more fat from their waist than people who don't stick to a low calorie monounsaturated fat diet. See more information about the Flat Belly Diet by checking out the information in the resource section below.
Give up the white bread for whole grains and you'll flatten those abs even faster. Research shows that people who consume whole grains instead of white flour lose more fat around their waists. Choose brown rice over white rice to flatten abs. A Mediterranean diet is considered one of the best diets for losing belly fat.
Increase calcium intake to flatten abs. Eat yogurt and drink more milk. Many people swear that adding more calcium to their diets helps them lose belly fat faster.
Lift weights two to three times a week to flatten abs fast. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women who have been lifting weights for two years tend to lose belly fat quicker than women who don't lift weights.
Kick it into cardio gear to flatten abs. The Archives of Internal Medicine reports that people who exercise regularly lose more weight around their middles than their sedentary counter parts. Interval training helps flatten abs even quicker.
Give up beer and drink wine instead. People who drink one glass of wine each day tend to have flatter abs.
Quit smoking and engage in exercises like yoga to relax your way to flat abs. Research reveals smoking increases visceral fat around the waist. Meditation helps reduce cortisol levels. Lower cortisol levels reduce the signals to the brain that you're in starvation mode and need extra fat around your waist.
Get enough sleep to flatten abs fast. Research reveals that people who get less than seven hours of sleep each night have a tendency to gain weight, especially in their bellies. Lack of sleep causes a decrease in metabolism during the day.
If you're looking for exercises to get flat abs fast, check the resource section below for the link to Fitness Magazine's best abs workout article. Keep in mind that if you have an excess amount of stomach fat, it's going to be really difficult to get great abs until you lose weight.