How to Reduce Belly Fat Without Extreme Diet
Establish a realistic weight-loss goal. Don't believe that you will lose belly fat in just a few weeks. It takes months, or even years, to get rid of belly fat entirely. Losing around two pounds per week is healthy, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you have a lot of belly fat to lose, consult your doctor to determine what would be a healthy goal and the best way to achieve it.
Watch what you eat. Introduce more fruits, vegetables, lean protein and low-fat dairy products into your diet, while cutting out foods high in fat, calories and sugar. For example, instead of having a bowl of ice cream for a snack, have a cup of low-fat yogurt with a few strawberries and blueberries. Or, instead of a bowl of chips, opt for a handful of almonds. Cut back on drinking soda and eating candy.
Cut down your portion sizes. Instead of consuming three or four large meals a day, eat five or six smaller meals. For example, for breakfast, have an omelet made with your favorite vegetables. An hour or two before lunch, have a handful of grapes or an orange. For lunch, make a healthy wrap with chicken, spinach leaves and low-fat cheese with a side of your favorite fruit. A few hours before dinner, have a handful of pretzels. For dinner, make salmon, corn and green beans. After dinner, have a fruity ice pop or a handful of baby carrots with peanut butter. Not only will eating less more often keep you full, it keeps your metabolism going.
Exercise more. To reduce belly fat, you should exercise every day. One day, go for a jog. The next day, focus on toning up. Switch up your routine often so that your body doesn't become comfortable with it. A way to make exercise more fun is to do things that you enjoy. For example, if you and your husband enjoy hiking, try walking or running different trails together every weekend. Or, sign up for a yoga class with a friend. If you're pressed for time, walk or run your dog around the block before and after work each day.
Perform exercises that target weight loss in the abdomen. Such exercises include planking and leg-lifts. To plank, lie on your belly on the floor. Prop yourself up on your forearms, so that your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. Lift yourself up onto your toes and balance yourself in this position for at least 30 seconds. Keep your back as flat as possible during the exercise. To do leg-lifts, lie on the floor on your back with your arms flat at your sides. Slowly raise your legs together until they reach a 45-degree angle with the floor. Keep this pose for three seconds, then slowly lower your legs down to the floor, but not completely. Then, lift your legs up again and repeat.