How to Lose Abdominal Weight
Things You'll Need
- weights
- water
- scale
- measuring tape
Start by measuring your waistline. To do this accurately you will need flexible measuring tape. Wind the tape around your abdomen. Record the measurement. You should write this down so you can keep track of how much weight you have lost from abdomen as you pursue a course of weight loss.
Do crunches. Crunches are sit ups. Sit ups can help strengthen your abdominal muscles. As you stregthen you abdominal muscles this can make your abodomen look and feel better. Your abdominal muscles will help hold in your gut. Get down on the floor. Use your back muscles to lift up your abdomen. Your muscles should carry the entire weight of your back. Slowly lean back to your starting position. This will help you reduce abdominal fat.
Do sit ups with weights. Once you've started doing stomach crunches you can further increase the muscle mass by using weights. Weights can help you lose abdominal weight. Place the weight in between your legs and lie down on the floor. Very slowly lift up your trunk. Your back should do all the weight lifting.
Drink lots of water. Drinking losts of water can help you lose accumulated fat over your abdomen. Make sure to get at least six glasses of water a day. The water will help flush out the fat. Use water that you like such as flavored seltzers during the summer and hot tea when it is cold outside.
Follow a sensible diet. The best way to lose weight is to lose weight all over your body as well. Aim for no more than 1500 calories a day. Eat at least six servings of fruit and vegetables each day. Eat whole grains as well. A low calorie diet with the right nutrition can help you shed weight across your abdomen.