How to Eat Foods That Block Fat
Things You'll Need
- fruits
- vegetables
- whole grains
- beans
Munch on fruits that start with an "A." These are apples, apricots and avocados. Much of an apple's power is in the skin, which contains quercetin, an antioxidant which prevents cells from being damaged. An apricot's power comes from carotenoid content. Carotenoids are the pigments that color the skins of some fruits and vegetables. This pigment helps to protect the eyes and heart. An avacodo may be high in calories, but it has more fiber in it than a bran muffin. Although it has fat, it is the good fat or mononsaturated fat. It has Oleic Acid which helps lower triglycerides and cholesterol.
Eat grains like barley, oats, wheat or bulgur. Barley not only is rich in antioxidants, it has enough fiber to gather up cholesterol and rid it from the body. Oats have soluble fiber that traps dietary cholesterol and rids it from the body. To get the most fiber from wheat, it is important to get foods containing wheat germ or whole wheat which has the outer more nutritious parts of the grain. It also helps the heart and rids the body of cholesterol. Bulgur is simply wheat in it's whole form. Bulgur is a high fiber source and is rich in minerals like iron, phosphorous and zinc.
Nibble on carrots, berries and melons. Carrots are high in beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A in the body and helps the eyes. Berries and melons are low in calories and have soluble fiber which helps move stuff through the intestines.
Crunch nuts and flaxseed. Along with fiber, nuts are high in protein. They are excellent at preventing heart disease. The trick with eating nuts is not overdoing it because they are high in calories. Flaxseed
has omega-3 fatty acids that fight inflammation in the body. -
Pop pears, peas and potatoes into your mouth. Pears have boron that helps to keep bone healthy. The fiber in a pear also rids cholesterol in the body. Peas have fiber and many nutrients. Potato fiber is excellent, especially if the skin is left on when you eat it. Potatoes are a big fat blocker, minus the butter and sour cream. A sweet potato is great because it is filling and is filled with vitamnins.
Consume beans and brown rice. Beans are the ultimate power food. They are packed with fiber and are filling. They are great for people with diabetes because they help control blood sugar levels. Brown rice is nutritious and has a lot of fiber. When the outer layer is stripped, it does not have as much fiber and is known as white rice. Eat foods that block fat and you will be healthy and thin in no time at all!!