How to Lose 20 Pounds Fast
Things You'll Need
- Gym membership
- The will to change
Detox. This is perhaps the most important step in the whole process. Before you even begin to burn some calories you need to clean all the toxins out of your body. A usual detox program should be atleast a week long. A good tip is to drink plenty of water and eat light meals during your detox program. This will aide in flushing your system. Plus you would be suprised. Many people lose 5-10 pounds on a typical week long detox program.
Water. You need to start drinking water from day 1. Water should be your drink of choice becuase of many reasons. One is it helps breakdown food and aide digestion. Second helps hunger. Many times people confuse hunger for thirst so always have a big glass of water when you feel the urge to eat or snack. Third reason is there water is zero calories! Substitute soda for water and you can lose 3-5 pounds in no time.
Vitamins. Go down to your local vitamin shoppe and get a quality multi-vitamin. This will ensure you are getting plenty of nutrients and help weight loss.
Exercise. Ahhhhh! Now comes the fun part! Don't worry. You don't need to go to the gym and lift every weight. You want to start real easy. Start with one body part a day and go real light. Your initially just looking to build up a tolerance and get used to the motions of working out.
Get a personal trainer. It is wise to have a professional show you the exercises and proper form to make sure you don't hurt yourself. all gyms have personal trainers that they can set you up with and they are reasonably priced.
Consumption. This is the hardest part of the whole process. First thing to do is cut out all soda, juices and other high fructose syrup drinks at meals. Most people say to cut them out entirely but this will set you up for disaster. Permit youself to have one of these drinks a day no later than 3pm. This will give you plenty of time to burn it off. Next cut out all fast food, cookies and cakes. You need to eat foods that are as natural and healthy as possible. This means plenty of chicken and lean beef and vegetables.
Cardio. This will help speed up the process. Some of my favorite activities are running, riding my bike or swimming. You should also look to use the cardio machines at the gym. Your goal is to burn atleast 500 calories each time. Since 1 pound of fat equals 3500 calories, the more your burn the quicker you lose.
Get family and friends involved. It's much easier to stay on track when everyone around you is traveling the same way. Make it fun. Try and make a game out of it.
Motivation. Losing weight and working out can be tough. Your going to wake up some mornings and not want to go to the gym. Your going to get home from work sometimes and want to eat everything in sight. You have to keep the fath and stay in control. You need motivation. Take a picture of yourself before you started and put it on every mirror in your house. Also put your goal weight under this picture and make it a point to look at it 3 times a day. Listen to motivational cd's. you'd be suprised how much Tony Robbins can pump you up.
Reward yourself. You need to give yourself one day to relax. A "cheat day". This will keep you on track and keep your sanity. Im sorry but anyone that says eating chicken and salad all the time is great is lying. You need to give yourself a break. This doesn't mean go nuts. Allow yourself to have 1 indulgent. If you want a piece of cake have 1 piece of cake. You like soda? Have one glass of soda not the whole bottle.