Cream of Wheat Diet
Diet Basics
Cook one serving of any variety of cream of wheat: instant, regular, or minute. Add a splash of skim (nonfat) milk and sweeten with a small amount of stevia (too much produces an aftertaste). Serve with tea or coffee as a meal replacement for breakfast and lunch. Eat a healthy balanced dinner consisting of one ounce of protein, such as lean meat, chicken or fish; and a serving of steamed vegetables, such as broccoli. If desired, another bowl of cream of wheat provides a mid-evening snack, with a handful of raisins or a half of banana added. Drink eight glasses of water a day while dieting. Regular exercise like walking makes any diet plan more effective. Check with a health care professional before making drastic lifestyle changes.
Cream of wheat is a highly processed refined food: The hull and fiber have been removed and only the starchy fast-digesting carbohydrate is left. To improve how the body uses this type of food, try eating it after a workout. After exercise, the insulin-boosting carbs will power muscle growth, according to "Hers" magazine, of MuscleandFitness. com.
Cream of wheat has four grams of protein per serving, with only a single gram of fiber, but it provides more than 60 percent of the recommended daily allowance of iron. In comparison, oatmeal also contains four grams of protein, but only 6 percent of the RDA of iron--although oatmeal is a whole grain with four grams of fiber and has 150 calories. Quinoa provides six grams of protein, 12 percent of the RDA for iron, and has three grams of fiber with 172 calories. Brown rice contains two grams of fiber, three grams of protein and 4 percent of the RDA for iron. Brown rice has a modest 150 calories per serving. All grains are low fat if prepared without added butter or margarine. Whole grains, with fiber, are naturally more filling.
According to Balch, sprinkling cinnamon on cereal has added benefits without added calories. The herb is a good source of calcium, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It also provides vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C. Cinnamon is used traditionally to aid digestion and might help control blood sugar, making it ideal for dieters.