How to Lose Weight and Feel Full and Happy
GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! We all know that if a bag of cookies we love is sitting in the kitchen cabinet, it's only a matter of time before we break down and eat them up. You're setting yourself up for failure that way. Clean out the kitchen from the get-go. Donate non-perishables like cake mix, packages of cookies, rich soups, etc. Throw away or give away things you can't donate like ice cream, breads, and TV dinners.
PREPARE FOR BATTLE! Head to the grocery store to stock up on your diet friends. Before shopping, make a list you'll stick to and have a satisfying meal to help you stay strong when you wander down the aisles. You're going to need to be strong to stay away from the aisles you're used to and pick up the good stuff and only the good stuff. Bring a dark chocolate bar with you if you need it so you can have a piece if you're about to grab something illegal. Remind yourself that if you can just stay strong in the grocery store and say "no" that one time, you won't have to say "no" 50 times when it's staring you in the face at home.
WHO ARE MY FRIENDS, ANYWAY? Filling foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories are going to be your best friends here. They'll give you max chewing and fullness in your stomach without calories you don't need, and if you choose the right foods, you won't ruin your metabolism by starving yourself and you won't risk nutrient deficiency when cutting calories.
MY BEST FRIENDS: You'll learn which foods work best for you, but to get you started, here are my "best friend" foods that make me happy without betraying me by making me feel guilty or making me gain weight. Pureed pumpkin, cinnamon (powerful sugar substitute), canned tomatoes or tomato sauce, whole (not baby) carrots, apples, bananas, peas, salad greens and sprouts, mushrooms, hummus, friendly soup options like split pea and lentil soups, non-white vinegar like balsamic or apple cider vinegar, rolled oats, ground flax seed, tuna or salmon, eggs, brown rice, unsweetened almond milk, and dark chocolate.
WATER and TEA! These are your best friends. When you wake up, drink three 8-oz glasses of water FIRST THING. Have more whenever you think of it, with at least two glasses full as you prepare (not as you're eating) lunch and as you prepare dinner. Have two last glasses last thing before climbing in bed. Having tea after dinner can help turn off your brain's "eating mode" for the day and into relaxing time.