How to Reduce Hips and Thighs
To reduce hips and thighs there are two issues to address. One is diet and the other is exercise. While it is possible to make headway doing just one or the other it's always better to do both. When you lose weight without exercise you end up flabby. Flabby is as bad as fatty!
When you lose weight in hips and thighs with only exercise poor eating habits remain and most likely weight will come back. It's a matter creating balance in eating habits and exercise. Not just for a few months or weeks, but for life.
Start with small doable goals and don't try to lose weight in hips and thighs fast. Commit to one goal a day that is doable such as eating 200 calories less a day. A doable exercise goal could be walking for 15 minutes during lunch break at the mall.
Only you know what you will and will not do, so commit to only those things that you know you will do. Make a list and check them off as you do them to chart progress. As your fitness level improves add more challenge to goals.
Alternate various forms of exercise to keep the body challenged. The body gets used to doing the same thing and will not respond as well as it did at first. A combination of stretch and balance like yoga and pilates is a great place to begin then progress on to aerobics and resistance training.
There are exercises that focus on hips and thighs and it's great to do them. However, know that spot reduction is a myth and that doing this alone will not solve the problem. You need to lose over all body fat.
To keep motivation up have friends or family join you or visit weight loss support groups online such as fitday, sparkpeople, thedailyplate and overeaters anonymous to name a few. See resources below on exercise and routines for hips, thighs and abs as well as a full body workout.
When you utilize resources available you'll not only shape up hips and thighs, but gain a higher level of fitness and health. Whatever you do don't delay start right away. Don't put off to tomorrow what you can do today!