How to Lose Belly Fat and Lose Weight
Eat fiber. Fiber will help you lose belly weight fast because it is filling and can jump start your digestive tract. Fiber helps to keep "things moving" and can reduce constipation. When you are constipated, your belly will appear larger than life, so keep your belly flat by consuming foods high in fiber like cereals, fruits and veggies.
Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day, more if you can. Exercise will help to burn calories and get rid of extra body fluids which can make your body bulkier and your stomach appear larger. Take a brisk walk, or go for a jog on the treadmill. Weight loss is almost impossible without some sort of physical activity so get moving today.
Cut out excess sodium from your diet. Too much sodium in your diet can cause your body to retain fluids and sodium is overall bad for your health. If you have a problem with your weight try switching your favorite foods to low-sodium or no sodium. You should shed weight fast and lose weight in your belly.
Stop drinking alcohol. You may have a "beer belly" because you drink too much alcohol. Try nixing the alcohol or limit yourself to one alcoholic beverage per week if you'd like to lose weight in your midsection.